USBC Mission: The USBC is the National Governing Body for Bowling. Our mission is to provide services, resources and the standards for the sport.

USBC Vision: Our vision is to continue to be the leading authority to the sport, servicing the needs of bowling.

USBC Promise: Our promise is to celebrate the past, be mindful of the present and ensure bowling’s future through thoughtful research, planning and delivery.

Welcome Bowlers!

The 2023-24 averages are now available.

Click here for 2023-24 Final Averages

Complete By-Laws

Association Board:

President - Deb Edgecomb (Mamas & Papas, Striking Ladies)

Vice President - Daryl Lamore (Northwood Park, Industrial Park)

Manager - Mark Fortier (Mamas & Papas, Industrial Park)

Treasurer - Natalie Thomsen (Northwood Park)

Director - Caleb Burgess (Northwood Park)

Director - Alexia Barcelou (Mamas & Papas, Striking Ladies)

Director - Bob Menges (Mamas & Papas)

Director - Samantha Juray

Director - Zach Blair (Public Service)

Director - Shirley Gondek (Striking Ladies, Mamas & Papas)

Director - Doris Daigle (Striking Ladies)

Director - Hope Pizzi ()

Youth Director - Amy Bushway

Youth Director - Kenny Moore

Youth Director - Debra Montminy

News and Notes

2024-25 Start-up

All leagues will be starting after Labor Day this year. Meeting will begin August 25 and continue through the week. If interested, come in for these meetings to be added

Membership Fees

USBC membership fees for 2024-25 season:

Full Membership  $25
Local Only$9
Local & State  $10

Cleaning Bowling Ball

Effective August 1, 2022, only a dry towel can be used to clean a bowling ball after the competition (league or tournament) has begun.